Sunday, August 4, 2013

So you think you would like to see an Indian wedding?

That's a great idea!

A ravishing couple in traditional Bengali wedding clothing. Yes, Rup will be wearing the fancy hat.

First things first though. If you are looking for the website that will tell you all you need to know - and probably more - about the Indian wedding of Patricia and Rup, CONGRATULATIONS!! You have made it to the correct internet location. If you are looking for something else, alas friend, your search must continue.

That's us! Are you looking for us? Yes, that's the Taj Mahal behind us. You can see it if you come to India

If you are still with us, we hope that this website your provide you with the information you need to make it to Calcutta, India from wherever you are. We could not be more thrilled that you are considering coming to India for our (second) wedding! Actually, we will be even more thrilled if you do make it there, but we are also thrilled that you are at this website. The bottom line is that we are thrilled.

On that note, we invite you to explore the website. The links at the top (e.g. "But what about the tigers and the snakes?") will lead you to different pages with information on various aspects of your prospective trip. If there is anything that you would like to know, but don't find on this website just email or call either one of us and we will get back to you as quickly as we can, and we will update the website as well. We can be very quick.

Patricia being very quick

Rup can be quick too

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